GIVE BIG to Career Transitions! 

We are doing it! We are participating in our FIRST Give Big! Since 1981, it has been our mission to provide affordable training to our community. We also strive to offer training with a relatively quick turnaround, so people can work and start their journey to stability and self-reliance. To provide training, support, and a healthy community, your donations directly affect those in our community. 

With your generosity and support, here are some of the ways your donations can support and help sustain individuals and families in the Gallatin Valley. 

$50 – Assist in supporting an individual’s needs like gas, phone, and internet. Transportation, a phone, and the internet are all important to us as a society and we often take advantage of them in our daily lives. But for someone who is trying to get a job or attend training to improve their lives, these are crucial.

$100 – Support and help an individual earn their High School Equivalency Certification (HiSET). Not having a diploma can limit an individual’s opportunities. Our HiSET Preparation Program not only helps individuals earn their state-issued high school equivalency credential, but it helps establish life skills, accountability, and most important, it builds pride and confidence within oneself. 

$200 – Empower an individual to complete our Computer Training Program by covering the cost for an individual. Because computers are part of our every day, if you do not have basic computer skills, it will negatively impact your ability to get a job or even day-to-day communications with friends, family, and life necessities. 

$500 – Strengthen a new business by supporting a new business owner’s start-up cost. From our programs like the Farmer’s Market, Career Coaching, and even Montana Pathways we have and continue to support new businesses develop in Gallatin County. Just from our Farmer’s Market, you’ll see these businesses around town, Hot Momma Salsa, Senorita Salsa, and On the Rise Bakery. All of these got their start from our market! 

$1,000 – Educate individuals by helping them earn their Certified Nursing Assistant Certification (CNA). Our CNA program is an excellent way for someone to progress in their career without committing to the time and money of a degree but offers job security. With this certification, it can open doors to more advanced training or the stability to obtain a degree that may not have been possible prior. 

$3,750 – Sustain an individual’s drive to earn their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and help cover the training and test fees to earn a CDL. We can provide local training and a much more affordable cost for an individual to earn their CDL. However, even at our lower cost, it can be out of reach for many people that would benefit from entering this stable career with good wages. 

Now that you see where your donation is allocated, it is amazing to think about how your donation helps someone build a better future. Essentially, you are providing the same support that we do. A donation assists in helping an individual and family become self-sufficient, and strengthen our community, and you help support our mission at Career Transitions. 

We pledge to assist and strengthen communities, families, and individuals in becoming self-sufficient through workforce and community development, education, training, and employment. All we ask is that you will pledge to donate to Career Transitions during this year’s Give Big. To donate, head to our Give Big Profile from May 4th – May 5th.